The Thunder: Perfect Mind

by Nikki Lizares

(This is a placeholder, feel free to use it as a template) In honor of the 8.8 Lion’s Gate Portal: when the veil between worlds is thinned by the blazing fire of the Sun, and we are left gaping at the emptiness/ endless potentiality of all things, some of my favorite verses from The Thunder: Perfect Mind.

Some of us might have come across parts of this manuscript in the past. It’s been used by a lot of contemporary artists, writers, and poets. What we may not have known is that this “book” was part of the Nag Hammadi scriptures, and was part of that group of early Christian texts discovered in the Egyptian desert and thought to be written between the first to third century BCE.

Among these scriptures are the Gospel of Thomas, largely shunned by the Institution because it portrays some of the more mystical aspects of Christ consciousness.

It’s not difficult to imagine why The Thunder would be totally dismissed, either. God engendered in the feminine?! Declaring herself a virgin and a whore? Imagine.

But I sit now still deep in my desert journey, and I find a relatedness and comfort in this formlessness, this uncertainty, and the ambiguity of all these things.

I am the first and the last
I am she who is honored and
she who is mocked
I am the whore and the holy woman
I am the wife and the virgin
I am he the mother and the daughter
I am the limbs of my mother

I am the silence never found
And the idea infinitely recalled
I am the voice with countless sounds
And the thousand guises of the word
I am the speaking of my name

Blue Tiger. Art Acrylic Painting by Vorona Ecaterina